Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today I was reflecting. Trev had a meeting with a youth today which he was really not looking forward too. He had to confront this person about something in his/her life that Trev felt would be detrimental to their future.

It got me thinking about how often we do not confront others. So often we see self destructive activities or tendencies, and we say nothing, simply assuming that this person knows better already and they will straighten up in their own time. What kind of a person sits by and watches while their friend makes horrible decisions? Someone that is afraid. Afraid of offending. Afraid of losing a friend. Afraid to speak up because it is really difficult.

I admire Trev for doing the right thing today. He really was nervous about coming off as preachy, nosey, and judgmental. Turns out things went really well. This person accepted Trev's comments and had already been trying to work it out.

Our issues are not hidden from anyone and denying them does not make them go away. So, I propose that we suck it up, confront our own issues, and admit to someone close to us that we need to work on it. (They already know you are having trouble anyway, you may as well do it together) And if you know someone close to you that is making really bad choices, and you have never told them how you feel, I suggest you do it. Better to say your piece rather than always wishing you had.

Big talk hu? Not sure if I can live it.

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