Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jamie's thougths

Can you be a pessimist and still have faith?

I hadn't realized it before, but if I am being totally honest with myself, I tend to think of the glass as half empty. I tend to expect the worst from life and am delighted when I am wrong. I don't allow myself to get excited about things until I know that all the plans are made and the ducks are in a row. I expect life to not work out as I have it planned and that what I have worked hard for will be taken from me.

Perhaps this is why I am an "over planner". I organize things to eliminate the opportunity for error or disappointment so that if things do fall apart, I am ready. I try to think of the likely things that will interrupt my life and plan for them ahead of time. I have contingency plans for my contingency plans. Of course I understand that life throws us things we don't expect, but where should my organization end and my faith begin?

Does God want me to look at this life with rose colored glasses? I don't think so. Does he want me to look at it as a total mess that I have to slog through? I hope not. I generally look at life with a sense of harsh reality. I live with my head and not my heart most of the time. If I find myself enjoying a part of life there is something inside of me that reminds me that it is all temporary and can be stolen from me at any moment. I hate to admit it, but when something is going well in life....I am waiting for the bad to happen. Why is that? My joy is interrupted.

So, back to my root question. Can you be a pessimist and still have faith? Can I live my life with all my negativity, and still have faith that God will look after me and my family. I don't think so. If I am always awaiting the next hardship, then where is my faith that God will take me through it? Should I not be able to function daily in the peace that God has me in his hand and not be concerned about that day when things are not good? I should be able to enjoy the blessings God has given me. I believe that is why he gave them to me.

I think my pessimistic nature is a symptom of my weak faith.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jack at 4 weeks

Jack was half asleep when I taped this, so just remember his eyes usually point the same direction :)

Friday, January 14, 2011


Hat courtesy of Auntie Laura.
Jack is 3 weeks old today. Yesterday I had to buy size 1 diapers already. When a baby is out of newborn size diapers does that mean they are no longer a newborn? He was weighed on Wednesday and he is at 10lb 10oz already. I guess once a baby weighs almost 11lbs they are no longer a newborn. He is happy and healthy and seldom cries. Usually he makes noise because he is hungry or .... is hungry. Sometimes he can't seem to figure out how to fall asleep and needs some help with that, but overall he is a very happy little man.

He and Brook are getting along. For the most part Brook ignores him, which is likely for the best at this point in his life. Every now and then she asks if she can hold him or shows him one of her toys. I am a little nervous about putting him on the floor because Brook tends to forget that he is down there.

I cant believe how quickly Brook has grown up in the last 3 weeks. Since Christmas she has started dressing herself, putting on her boots, jacket and other clothing generally on the right part of her body. Today she went diaperless all day today with no accidents, and she seems to be speaking like a little adult. After coloring today she brought me her master piece and said "check it out". Ya, it is all happening really quickly. I am realizing that I enjoy all of these different stages of having children and that I am super blessed. Brook has been pushing the boundaries a little this week, but nothing too serious.
Trev went back to work this week after his extended christmas break. It seems like there was 4 times as much work for him to do as there was before christmas, but with the missions trip coming up in march he has a lot to do. You can pray that he has lots of energy and patients over the next few months.

As for me, I am doing well. I am feeling good and as long as I get a bit of sleep throughout the day I seem to be able to handle life. One new challenge is having a newborn in January. Brook and I don't get out as much now because Jack is not big enough to take on walks. We only have one vehicle and Trev needs it most of the day. Besides, walks were just a distraction, I don't need the van to go 3 blocks to the Co-op. Anyway, we are doing well and adjusting to life together.