Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So, its a little cold. Today it was -30C, with the windchill about -50C. Its a little nippy. Tomorrow's supposed to be just as cold if not colder. I am so glad that our car is nice and warm in the garage this winter. It starts every time. I am so glad that I am in a nice warm house!

I took Sam for a walk this afternoon thinking "it's gonna get really cold this evening, so lets go for a walk while the sun is up. It can't be that cold." Sam and I walked about 3 blocks, and I turned her back towards home and all the sudden Sam was pulling on the leash. I stopped and looked at her. Her face was covered in frost and if she could have stood on one leg she would have. We went home. My dog is getting to be a suck.

January has been a good for Youth and Trevor. Now that school is back in session it seems that life has returned to "normal" a bit. Kids are coming to youth and bible studies on a regular basis. He is getting to know the kids through the events and by taking them out for coffee. Trev took a group of kids to the Brandon YFC U-Turn house we used to live in. It is under renovation right now so he figured it would be a good opportunity for the youth to get involved. They were on the way home and Trev asked his car full of girls if they wanted to stop and get a drink somewhere, but they just wanted to go to the mall and shop. Trev reminded them that they were covered in drywall dust and maybe they should skip the mall today. He's enjoying the challenge of getting to know the junior youth that have a lot of energy.

Brook and I went to our Church's ladies retreat at Metegoshe Ministries. It's just across the boarder. We had a good time. We had our vehicle searched at the boarder, but other than that our time was pretty uneventful. Brook was good to me and did well, and it helped that there was no shortage of babysitters. We didn't have a speaker, but we watched videos of a lady called Anita Renfroe. we laughed a lot! We played Mad Gab, which with most people is fun, but with these ladies it was hilarious. Half of them couldn't read the cards because they didn't have their glasses on. It was a good time.

Brook is growing like a weed. She's now 3 months old and changing every week. She's started rolling onto her side and likes to watch the TV. (which bugs me a little) We've started her on a bottle, sort of. It's definitely not easy for her yet, but she's doin it. Trev got to feed her for the first time tonight, and it was pretty special for him. I'm thinking the bottle will give me some freedom one of these days when I just need to get out and do something.

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