Thursday, January 29, 2009

Brooks Heart

Well, we had our appointment at the Childrens Variety Heart Clinic in Winnipeg yesterday, and the results were wonderful! Our last appointment had been an unfortunate experience. Brook was 4 days old, we couldn’t seem to nurse in public, and there were no parking spots anywhere!

This appointment was completely different. Before we left I found out where we could park without walking too far. (those car seats are heavy, and Brook weighs 14 lbs now) and we mentally prepared ourselves to sit and wait for at least a few hours.

Brook had an ultrasound, and because they already knew where to look for the hole in her heart, it only took about 5 minutes for them to complete the test. Trevor held her little hands above her head and talked to her to keep her busy. She just lay there, staring a the Lab Tech and stretching every now and then. I can imagine the ultrasound gel felt funny on her little chest. She did so well. The Doctor had told me that if we couldn’t get her to lie still they would have to sedate her. I was so happy she was content.

The Doctor took one look at the ultrasound pictures, came to the waiting room and told us that the hole was much smaller and that it would likely not effect her long term! He wants to see her again in 18 months. He figures that by then the hole will be completely gone. Our appointment was at 1:15pm. We were done, out of the clinic and back on the road by 1:45! Wow. Thank the Lord! We had been expecting a very different experience.

Every now and then I will be sitting with Brook with my hand on her chest, and I can feel her heart beat. So many different emotions go through me. First a wondering if her heart would be OK, then remembering that God has it all under control. Followed by my motherly instinct to want to protect her. Usually ending with a big kiss and a hug. I think that’s a good way to end.


Harry and Nancy Pauls said...

WE are exited to hear the good news and hope her heart continues to heal up!

Melissa said...

So glad to hear things are better Jamie. Will continue to pray for your sweet little girl.