Thursday, December 18, 2008

Count Your Blessings

This morning as I was standing at my dresser, (trying to find something, ANYTHING that fit me) and I was extremely frustrated. In my frustration I found myself wishing for my life to be different and blaming everyone but myself for the situation I found myself in. As I stood there in my robe, Brook who was lying on the bed behind me, let out the biggest squawk of delight. What a happy moment for her as she kicked and giggled. She was enjoying life to the fullest!

At that moment I was flooded with a sense of thankfulness. I have been given so very much and I had totally lost sight of it. Mentally I started making a list of all the things that God had blessed me with, and all of the sudden it didn't matter too much what clothes I wore today.

I am so very thankful for my Husband, Daughter and Family. I am thankful for the comforts of life that I enjoy: a warm home, (now that the furnace is fixed) plenty of food, a car that runs, and Trevor's stable job that provides money for these things. I am thankful that I live in a country that allows me freedom and a vote (even though I didn't because I was having a baby during the last election). I am thankful for a Christmas tree with presents heaped under it. And I am thankful for my savior Jesus Christ, and that he loved me enough to come to this earth in diapers, and die on a cross for me.

I am blessed, and remembering that keeps my life in perspective.

1 comment:

Harry and Nancy Pauls said...

Infants and small children have a lot of wisdom to share- if I stop and listen.