Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our Holidays "Camping at Lake William"

We went camping at lake William from Thursday to Saturday. I was a little too chicken to camp a long way from home just in case Brook didn't sleep well in the tent. (Lake William is about 20 minutes from home.) We had a good time. It was kinda cold so we couldn't go swimming, but we found things to occupy our time. On Saturday morning I heard it was only 5 degrees. I am glad I "over packed" and brought extra blankets and winter clothes for Brook. She was so cute in her little hood. I put socks on her hands for the night.

There was a chipmunk that kept harassing Sam. He was pretty brave. He would come down the tree and steal pieces of her dog food. Sam spent a lot of time "guarding" her food and looking up that tree.

Everything went really well until Friday night when there was a bit of a fight between two guys. One thought the other should turn down his music and the other didn't agree. Unfortunately the Game Warden ended up solving their dispute for them. The people camping across from us didn't show up to their camping site until 2:30 am, at which point they proceeded to hammer in their tent pegs and chop wood. Brook slept through the entire ordeal. Sam did her best to protect us by laying at the tent door growling. I think we might stick to camping during the week if possible. It was a lot of fun and I wouldn't be afraid to go camping with a baby again.

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