Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Brook is growing!

Brook is growing like a little weed. She is now 8 months old, and at her Dr appointment last week she was 19.2 lbs. She still does not have any teeth, but she has learned a few new tricks.

She has figured out how to spit out food she doesn't like (Ya, I really love that one). Everytime I say "no" in my firmest voice, while trying not to laugh. It is really cute. She has figured out how to reach for Trevor and I when we walk by. Her mobility has increased a lot in the last few weeks. I cant believe how quickly she has started picking up small items and passing things from one hand to the other. She will roll all over the living room and pick up any piece of dirt or fluff on the floor.

She has started pulling herself into a crawling position, and then doing a "lip stand" as her arms give out. She loves to stand up at the coffee table and slap it, which requires a spotter, so I spend a lot of time doing that. We had to adjust her crib because I think one of these mornings she will greet me by standing in the end of the crib. I am not sure who designed our crib, but they should have to try adjusting it. We basically had to take the whole thing apart to lower the mattress. Arrrggg.

She has a new fascination with Milo's tail, which he does not appreciate very much. I don't know why that cat keeps coming back for more. He is a sucker for punishment. For some reason the last few days Brook has been sleeping from 9pm to 9am. I have no complaints about that!!
Thanks Chris and Nettie for the Exer-saucer. She has been enjoying it a lot lately.

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