Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My goal this morning is to update my blog. It wasn't that long ago that I made a few posts, but a lot has happened in the last few weeks. June has been a busy month. I can't believe it is almost over already. The spring is gone and it is officially summer.

This is going to be a very different summer for Trevor and I. We have spent the past 5 summers working at camp, and the other two before that we were living in Brandon as newlyweds. We have had 1 summer vacation since we have been married. In the summer of 2003 we went on a 2 week adventure. We packed our Pontiac Sunfire with all our camping gear and headed off. It was a great time. We had made no plans before we left. We just roamed around western Canada visiting friends and family and exploring random camp grounds.

This summer we are hoping to have some adventures as a family. Trev is taking most of his holidays over the summer, so we should be able to do some camping and short trips. I am a little nervous about trying to holiday with a baby, but I think we are up for the challenge. How hard can it be right?? All you do is find a vehicle big enough to fit everything you own in it, and go find a camp ground.

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