Monday, March 2, 2009

Cat Hair

So, I have been extremely frustrated with cat hair. Hair everywhere! Every time I pick up Brook I pick hair off of her. This week I was about ready to give Milo the Boot. I couldn't figure out why I was having so much trouble. Milo is not allowed on any of the furniture. He isn't allowed in our bedrooms. I keep the house clean. I sweep the floors every day. WHY IS THERE CAT HAIR EVERYWHERE?

Today I found out why. Under Brooks crib there is a large drawer where I store all her blankets and crib sheets. Mom had made a beautiful crib skirt that hides the drawer, making a perfect little "cat nest" under the crib. Milo figured out that he could get into the drawer from under the crib.

I went to go get another blanket because the one I had was full of hair (again). I pulled the drawer open with my foot and there was Milo, curled up on one of Mom's beautiful quilts. Likely shedding as he slept. My blood boiled!!!

I had been washing Brooks blankets and sheets, putting them in the drawer and the $@!# Cat was sleeping on them!!!! AHHH!!! Needless to say, Milo was severely disciplined. (yes, a Cat can learn quite quickly when he has done something wrong)
He may not come near me for a day or two, but maybe that is for the best anyway.

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