Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Trev's Job Update

Trev has now been on the job for 3 months, and I thought I should give you all a little update on how things are going since he doesn't like blogging. Things have been quite busy for him. December was a little slower due to Christmas events and school break. Trev did a few bible studies and events, but he generally took time to prepare for the new year.

In January things started off with a bang!
4 events a week! Jr and Sr bible studies, a Sr discipleship meeting and a friday night social event every week. It has been a busy few months, but it seems that Trev is getting into the swing of things. The youth seem to be getting to know Trev too, which is making things more comfortable.

Last week the Senior youth had friday off, so Trev made plans with the Killarney MB youth group to go skiing at La Riviere. Unfortunately when they arrived the power was off and the ski lifts were not working so they couldn't go skiing. They were all pretty bummed, but they managed to pull off a decent day of activities. They went back to Killarney, had pizza and played some games. Trev seems to have a
really great group of Senior high youth that are always up for an adventure. They have done two service project events where they have gone to the U-Turn house in Brandon that we used to live in. They have been helping with renovations to make the house usable again. Trev was surprised when he had just as many kids show up for the service projects as he did for the social events.

The Junior high events are going really well. Just today Trev had
40+ kids at bible study after school. He was meeting kids that had never been to youth before! He was pretty excited. The Junior high kids come straight to youth after school is out and they tend to have a lot of energy to burn. You can pray that Trev can find some none distructive ways to help them release some of it. It sounds like their brains don't always work well enough to play any organized games, so they just run around like crazy children. (It doesn't help that there is a canteen in the youth room where they can buy sugar filled candies and drinks.) Floor hockey always works apparently.

Trev is really enjoying his job. He is finding it challenging and fulfilling. I'm really excited for him.

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