Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our 8 lb Christmas Gift

Baby Jack William Fleming arrived on Christmas eve at 6:42 am. He weighs 8lb and is 21.5 inches long. We didn't expect him to arrive quite so quickly since he seemed to be in no hurry earlier in December.

(PG rated Birthing details below)
My water broke at 3:15 am. By the time we realized I was in labour, drove to Brandon, dropped off Brook at Trev's parents place, and got to the hospital it was already 5am. By the time the nurses figured out I was actually going to have a baby ASAP they could hardly get an IV into me. (I guess all my blood was tied up in other parts of my body) Trev was signing release forms with one hand and having his other crushed while I went through my contractions. After all was said and done I had to introduce myself to the Dr that had arrived to deliver our baby boy because we didn't have time to exchange pleasantries earlier. The nurses were fantastic! I was concerned that they would be surley and unpleasant because they had to work the holidays, but they were all very caring and attentive. Jack and I were released from the hospital at 11am on Christmas day. Yup, my stay was a whopping 30 hrs. We went and introduced Jack to Grandma Irving, went to the Flemings and had christmas dinner, and headed home. It was an amazing feeling to have all 4 of us driving home together in the van.

We are all doing well and adjusting to being a family of 4. Brook is still surprised in the morning when Jack is here, but she is a great helper. I am realizing just how grown up she is when I see them together. She is generally gentle with him, but has been a little out of sorts with her stay at grandma and Grandpas, Christmas, and the noise at night. She'll figure it all out yet.

We thank God for his blessing of a healthy, hungry baby boy. I am amazed that we we have been blessed with him.

1 comment:

Harry and Nancy Pauls said...

Nice looking family Jay & Trev!