So as cute as our little boy is, we have a problem. During the day he won't go to sleep on his own. It is my fault really. I started nursing him to sleep at night and now I have this thirsty little monster to deal with. You would think I would learn. I did the same thing with Brook. It starts as a survival method. It is 3 am and I need to sleep so before I even think about it I just feed the baby to make him quiet. I used to be cute. I would sit and rock him for five minutes and watch him peacefully drift off in my arms. Now he is 2 months old, 15 lbs and screams to be fed or carried every time he gets tired. During the night he is fine. From 9pm to 9am he sleeps 4-5 hours at a time, eats and goes back to sleep no problem.
So this week I decided enough was enough. I wasn't going to be a human soother / swing any longer! I get him all clean, and wrapped and I put him in bed to "learn to fall asleep". Which has turned out to be 4 days of screaming. The boy can scream forever! We did this with Brook at the same age and she gave up after 12 minutes, went to sleep and never turned back. Jack must be setting records. I am not sure I can take much more of this. My nerves are raw from listening to him cry. If he does fall asleep he wakes up 10 minutes later and starts it all over again. I have searched the internet and the library and I am pretty sure I am doing all I can do for him. AAAHHH. Pray that Jack learns to sleep because either my arms are going to fall off from carrying him or I am going to loose my mind from listening to him cry.
Anyone have any advice? I am trying to do the "babywise" method as much as possible, but letting him cry for 1/2 the day for the last 4 days doesn't seem right. What am I missing?
I'm sorry you've had a tough time. We actually rocked brendan to sleep for the first 5 months of his life and it worked really well for him and it hasn't damaged him permanently. After it stopped working then we fought with him and he figured out how to fall asleep on his own. Use the books as a guide then do what works for your family.
I am sorry to say this but my boy is 2 and a half and still sleeps with a soother....not all night tho....I am waiting a bit longer to take it away...bargin either soother or diapers. sorry I digress. but he doesn't sleep with it all night. he basically sucks on it till he is in deep sleep and then it falls out. he does this for his naps also. does Jack have a soother?? do you think that might help???
We've had babies like that too. For some reason they need more cuddles.
Others go by the book perfectly.
When I have a baby that seems to need more cuddles, I focus on the fact that they will not want to be cuddled forever and I take in these cuddle times as a blessing.
I would suggest giving it a break and then trying again in a couple of weeks or so. If it doesn't work then, take another break. I don't think you have a problem until he is older. In my experience they have all learned to fall asleep on their own before they were too old (I can't remember exactly when, but probably by 5 or 6 months.) This has been our experience anyway.
I know listening to screaming can be very nerve wracking. Just maybe give it a break for now.
I agree with much of the babywise methods. But like Rachel said, use it as a guide. Not all babies follow this method perfectly, and believe me, I've tried to make them :)
Blessings as you enjoy this sweet little bundle. He is so adorable!
Oh, Jamie, I feel your frustration. The crying can drive anyone crazy, plus you have Brook to care for. Jude was my best sleeper at night as a baby, but was never a great napper either. He tended to sleep wherever around the house...kind of like he needed to be where the action was. I used a carrier with him, and I never had to with the girls. Around meal times, I had to in order to get meals made. I would suggest a good carrier or a sling. My other sister-in-law Jamie has a Mei Tei carrier and loved it. I would like one for this baby.
Boys!! I am definitely not one to give any advice at this stage! I would love if my boy would sleep in his bed ALL NIGHT long!! The girls were great sleepers...BOYS!!
Oh Jamie... I so know how your feeling!!! Kelsey was exactly the same! we struggled with the same things. I will most certainly be praying for you and Jack as you figure this out... if you want I can somehow get that book I was mentioning to you to borrow... or give me a call sometime and we can talk about it :)
Just know that your not alone!!
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