I went to a class the other day to learn about starting to feed solid foods to a baby. They said around 5-6 months I could start feeding things like pureed veggies, rice cereal, and things like that. This should get her warmed up.
Monday, March 23, 2009
High Chair
Friday, March 13, 2009
Me and My Buns
OK, I know I have blogged a lot today, but I have to share a part of my day with you. The following are two posts from my facebook page. I got a huge response. It seems I am not the only one that has issues with making bread. Hope you enjoy:
My Bread Making Phobia:
So, to be a good house wife and mother I always thought that you have to be able to make bread. I tried once about a year ago and failed miserably. The dough was all sticky and gross. I had it stuck everywhere and I ended up wasting about 10 cups of flour. I ended up throwing the dough in a garbage bag and hiding it in the bottom of the garbage can so it didn't haunt me. It didn't even make it into the oven!
After this experience I was emotionally destroyed! What kind of a woman am I? I can't even make bread! For a while I blamed it on the recipe that I was given, and that made me feel a little bit better, but really it was just my incompetence in the kitchen. I toyed with the idea of buying a bread maker. Maybe if I couldn't make bread I could get a machine to do it for me. (My cheapness stopped me from doing that.)
So, here I sit, almost ready to try to make bread again. I am on the verge! The thought of fresh bread and cinnamon buns dancing in my head.
It took me a year to get over my last failure, and I'm not sure how long it will take me to get over another one if things don't go well. I'm scared!
What I need from you all is confidence. Someone out there tell me that it is possible for me to make bread! It's like this big bad mountain of doubt and scariness. It's like my Womanhood is on the line! What's wrong with me??? Help!!!!
(Several Hours Later)
Successful Buns! Sort of:
So I guess I am not the only one with a bread making phobia. Thanks for all your encouragement. I gave bread making a try and I only had to call my Mom once to make sure I was doing it right. I have been told it's kinda hard to make good bread without a mixer, but I think I accomplished it.
Well, they not really GOOD buns, but they are food. The are edible. I think. I hope. Trev comes home soon so I'll test them out on him. They are kinda heavy. When you pick one up it's like there should be two in your hand. You don't need a back brace or anything, but I think eating one will give me a workout.
Do you think Trev will be honest with me and tell me if they are not good? I'm a little hard on myself when it comes to the food I make, so I'm not the best judge. I'm sure it will be on the news tomorrow if I kill him with my baking. "MAN DIES TRYING TO MAKE WIFE HAPPY, SEE THE BUNS THAT KILLED HIM".
Well, I think I MIGHT be over my fear of bread making. Producing something edible was a good boost for my self esteem. I will definitely try it again. You all had a part in my victory today. Thanks for believing in me and my BUNS!
Discovering Her Voice
I was getting out of the shower a few days ago and I heard the weirdest sound ever! I thought Brook had gotten something in her throat. Nope, she was just exercising her voice I guess. It's not the most "lady like" sound, but she's gotta start somewhere.
God Used A Blanket
I needed a hobby so I started sewing blankets for MCC. Gwen Martens (from Boissevain) provides me with the materials and I sew it all together. It would be nice if every blanket I made was as beautiful as ones my Mother makes, but this will do.
It was a lot of fun. I would like to say that I started just for the person that needs a blanket to sleep under, but in reality I needed a project that cost very little, was somewhat mindless, and that I could leave lying around when I didn't have time for it.
I found that most of the time I spent sewing I was thinking about where this blanket was going to end up and who was going to need it. I prayed a lot for that person and the situation they were in. I can't imagin being in need of something so simple as a blanket.
So, although I started sewing for me, I ended up sewing for someone else. I hope this blanket helps them as much as it has helped me. God has used this blanket already, and it hasnt even left my house.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Trev's Job Update
Trev has now been on the job for 3 months, and I thought I should give you all a little update on how things are going since he doesn't like blogging. Things have been quite busy for him. December was a little slower due to Christmas events and school break. Trev did a few bible studies and events, but he generally took time to prepare for the new year.
In January things started off with a bang! 4 events a week! Jr and Sr bible studies, a Sr discipleship meeting and a friday night social event every week. It has been a busy few months, but it seems that Trev is getting into the swing of things. The youth seem to be getting to know Trev too, which is making things more comfortable.
Last week the Senior youth had friday off, so Trev made plans with the Killarney MB youth group to go skiing at La Riviere. Unfortunately when they arrived the power was off and the ski lifts were not working so they couldn't go skiing. They were all pretty bummed, but they managed to pull off a decent day of activities. They went back to Killarney, had pizza and played some games. Trev seems to have a really great group of Senior high youth that are always up for an adventure. They have done two service project events where they have gone to the U-Turn house in Brandon that we used to live in. They have been helping with renovations to make the house usable again. Trev was surprised when he had just as many kids show up for the service projects as he did for the social events.
The Junior high events are going really well. Just today Trev had 40+ kids at bible study after school. He was meeting kids that had never been to youth before! He was pretty excited. The Junior high kids come straight to youth after school is out and they tend to have a lot of energy to burn. You can pray that Trev can find some none distructive ways to help them release some of it. It sounds like their brains don't always work well enough to play any organized games, so they just run around like crazy children. (It doesn't help that there is a canteen in the youth room where they can buy sugar filled candies and drinks.) Floor hockey always works apparently.
Trev is really enjoying his job. He is finding it challenging and fulfilling. I'm really excited for him.
In January things started off with a bang! 4 events a week! Jr and Sr bible studies, a Sr discipleship meeting and a friday night social event every week. It has been a busy few months, but it seems that Trev is getting into the swing of things. The youth seem to be getting to know Trev too, which is making things more comfortable.
Last week the Senior youth had friday off, so Trev made plans with the Killarney MB youth group to go skiing at La Riviere. Unfortunately when they arrived the power was off and the ski lifts were not working so they couldn't go skiing. They were all pretty bummed, but they managed to pull off a decent day of activities. They went back to Killarney, had pizza and played some games. Trev seems to have a really great group of Senior high youth that are always up for an adventure. They have done two service project events where they have gone to the U-Turn house in Brandon that we used to live in. They have been helping with renovations to make the house usable again. Trev was surprised when he had just as many kids show up for the service projects as he did for the social events.
The Junior high events are going really well. Just today Trev had 40+ kids at bible study after school. He was meeting kids that had never been to youth before! He was pretty excited. The Junior high kids come straight to youth after school is out and they tend to have a lot of energy to burn. You can pray that Trev can find some none distructive ways to help them release some of it. It sounds like their brains don't always work well enough to play any organized games, so they just run around like crazy children. (It doesn't help that there is a canteen in the youth room where they can buy sugar filled candies and drinks.) Floor hockey always works apparently.
Trev is really enjoying his job. He is finding it challenging and fulfilling. I'm really excited for him.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Cat Hair
So, I have been extremely frustrated with cat hair. Hair everywhere! Every time I pick up Brook I pick hair off of her. This week I was about ready to give Milo the Boot. I couldn't figure out why I was having so much trouble. Milo is not allowed on any of the furniture. He isn't allowed in our bedrooms. I keep the house clean. I sweep the floors every day. WHY IS THERE CAT HAIR EVERYWHERE?
Today I found out why. Under Brooks crib there is a large drawer where I store all her blankets and crib sheets. Mom had made a beautiful crib skirt that hides the drawer, making a perfect little "cat nest" under the crib. Milo figured out that he could get into the drawer from under the crib.
I went to go get another blanket because the one I had was full of hair (again). I pulled the drawer open with my foot and there was Milo, curled up on one of Mom's beautiful quilts. Likely shedding as he slept. My blood boiled!!!
I had been washing Brooks blankets and sheets, putting them in the drawer and the $@!# Cat was sleeping on them!!!! AHHH!!! Needless to say, Milo was severely disciplined. (yes, a Cat can learn quite quickly when he has done something wrong) He may not come near me for a day or two, but maybe that is for the best anyway.
Today I found out why. Under Brooks crib there is a large drawer where I store all her blankets and crib sheets. Mom had made a beautiful crib skirt that hides the drawer, making a perfect little "cat nest" under the crib. Milo figured out that he could get into the drawer from under the crib.
I went to go get another blanket because the one I had was full of hair (again). I pulled the drawer open with my foot and there was Milo, curled up on one of Mom's beautiful quilts. Likely shedding as he slept. My blood boiled!!!
I had been washing Brooks blankets and sheets, putting them in the drawer and the $@!# Cat was sleeping on them!!!! AHHH!!! Needless to say, Milo was severely disciplined. (yes, a Cat can learn quite quickly when he has done something wrong) He may not come near me for a day or two, but maybe that is for the best anyway.
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